Pomoc MediaWiki API
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prop=moderationpreload (mp)
- Ten moduł wymaga praw odczytu.
- Źródło: Moderation
- Licencja: GPL-3.0+
If the current user made an edit which is currently awaiting moderation, retrieve the text of this revision.
- mpmode
Expected format, either wikitext or parsed HTML.
- Jedna z następujących wartości: wikitext, parsed
- Domyślnie: wikitext
- mptitle
Title of the page. Cannot be used together with mppageid.
- mppageid
Page ID of the page. Cannot be used together with mptitle.
- Typ: liczba całkowita
- mpsection
Only retrieve the content of this section number.
- Get wikitext of the pending edit by this user in the page Cat.
- api.php?action=query&prop=moderationpreload&mptitle=Cat [otwórz w brudnopisie]
- Get HTML of the pending edit by this user in the page Dog.
- api.php?action=query&prop=moderationpreload&mptitle=Dog&mpmode=parsed [otwórz w brudnopisie]
- Get wikitext of section #2 (third section) of the pending edit by this user in the page Cat.
- api.php?action=query&prop=moderationpreload&mptitle=Cat&mpsection=2 [otwórz w brudnopisie]